"SUSTAINABLE CITY" Network provides its members with information and technical assistance for the implementation of Virtual Net Metering, an innovative idea that can make Municipalities pioneers in energy saving and at the same time will lead to the reduction of their facilities' energy costs and their carbon footprint, but also to the release of funds for other sectors...
The EUCF is a European initiative of the Horizon 2020 Programme, which aims to support municipalities, local authorities and their groupings to develop investment concepts in order to accelerate energy investments and build a substantial pipeline of sustainable energy investment projects across municipalities in Europe...
The EU-funded WaysTUP! project aims to demonstrate the establishment of new value chains for urban bio-waste utilisation through a multi-stakeholder approach in line with circular economy. The project will display a range of new products produced from urban bio-waste and is expected to make a change in citizens' and local communities' behaviour...
The "Living Streets" Project, funded by the European Climate Protection Initiative (EUKI), is a project that allows Municipalities to temporarily transform a street in their city into a sustainable social hub by banning the usage of vehicles, where citizens can gather and exchange ideas, participate in social activities and promote alternative forms of eco-friendly transportation...
The EU-funded "POWERPOOR" Project aims to develop schemes that support energy-poor citizens and the use of alternative financing options such as cooperatives or crowdfunding. Pilot projects will be developed in eight EU countries under the directions of energy supporters/ mentors who will aid over 22.000 energy-poor households and encourage citizen engagement...
SUSTAINABLE CITY participates in an ambitious project called “eviDEnce and Cloud for more InformeD and effective pOlicies - DECIDO” that aims to support and increase capacity building of Public Administrations regarding the utilisation and exploitation of open data in the field of disaster risk management and the implementation of appropriate customised evidence-based policies...
The EU-funded “Path2LC” initiative of the Horizon 2020 Programme, aims to support policy makers and public authorities at local level in the transition process towards a low carbon society, on the basis of the EU’s efforts towards a green economy, via the creation of a Network of stakeholders that will enable peer-to-peer learning...
SUSTAINABLE CITY has undertaken the detailed design and the handling of all the necessary procedures for the successful environmental licensing and permits of the regional Waste Transfer Stations (SMAs) of the Peloponnese Prefecture aiming to upgrade and decrease the costs of the area's waste management...
In the context of promoting and integrating the participatory process in the Local Government Organizations of Greece, SUSTAINABLE CITY Network participates as a partner in the project "CROWDSOURCED POLICY PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION - POLIFOLIO". The project is funded by the Sectoral Operational Programme "COMPETITIVENESS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATION"(EPANEK 2014-2020)...
SUSTAINABLE CITY Network will develop and install a digital GIS platform on the infrastructure of its Municipalities, which will keep track of the carbon footprint and energy consumption levels of municipal buildings and facilities, aiming to be an innovative tool for Local Authorities. The project is part of the the GREEN FUND's Financial Scheme “Innovative actions with citizens"...
SETOFF Project aims to improve preparedness, health and occupational safety against future crises, emergencies, and national catastrophes, both for Civil Protection and private sector Safety and Security Personnel. by developing an innovative e-training programme. Is it funded by the Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by the International University of Greece, while being implemented in four different countries...
HyPro4ST Alliance implements an innovative and holistic approach to educating and supporting existing and prospective project managers and other professionals and students that are active in the sustainable tourism industry, aimed at boosting innovation through the cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training and enterprises, linking project partners from 6 European countries...
The RISKADAPT project -funded by Horizon Europe Climate Programme- aims to create an interactive, public and user-friendly platform (PRISKADAPT), which will provide information on the structural impacts of climate change on key sites of interest, such as hospital buildings, river bridges, electricity transmission towers, etc., while supporting climate adaptation decisions…
ENERGATE project -funded by LIFE Clean Energy Transition programme- aims to create an efficient energy efficiency market, using ICT, which will bring together energy services and sustainable financing, increasing the chances of financing and accelerating the rate of building renovation. The project involves 13 partners from 8 countries: Greece, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, South Korea, Luxembourg, Spain and Latvia…
The POWERYOUTH Project is funded by LIFE that aims to increase the active participation of young people in the energy transition through the development of appropriate tools and methods, which will be implemented in 5 pilot countries (Austria, Greece, Latvia, Latvia, Poland, Portugal), and the creation of Youth Energy Communities …
CROSSFIT aims to revolutionise energy efficiency in the public sector by establishing a "one-stop shop" (OSS) in Greece, Portugal, and Spain to streamline procurement and encourage private investment. Inspired by the successful Belgian model, the project will adapt the approach to the local legal frameworks and pilot it at selected sites …
CLIMRES aims to enhance climate resilience in buildings by identifying and categorizing building vulnerabilities and assessing their impacts within urban ecosystems. The project will develop methodologies for vulnerability assessment, a hub of climate risk mitigation measures, and a decision support toolkit for strategic, tactical, and operational decision-making...