SUSTAINABLE CITY Network is pleased to announce the approval of funding of the project entitled "Energy monitoring and calculation of the carbon footprint of municipal buildings and facilities" from the Green Fund's "Natural Environment and Environmental Innovative Actions 2019" funding scheme.
Through the project, a Digital GIS Platform will be installed in 3 selected Municipalities - Members of the Network, which will monitor the energy consumption of municipal buildings and facilities and calculate their carbon footprint, in order to become an innovative and useful tool for monitoring the infrastructure of each Municipality. This Platform will be the result of work of SUSTAINABLE CITY Network in collaboration with experts, aiming at the utilisation of IT and GIS by the Municipalities, for the monitoring of energy consumption and the calculation of carbon dioxide emissions. With the support of this Platform, it will be possible to plan more effectively energy interventions, in order to reduce the energy consumption and carbon footprint.
Candidate municipalities, interested in participating in the project must submit the Application Form (only available in Greek) and the necessary supporting documents to: [email protected], by Friday 6 November 2020. The project "Energy Monitoring and Calculation of the Carbon footprint of Municipal Buildings and Facilities" is part of the "NATURAL ENVIRONMENT & INNOVATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIONS 2019" of the Green Fund's Financial Scheme "Innovative actions with citizens". Βudget: 50.000 € Funding: GREEN FUND Beneficiary: "SUSTAINABLE CITY" Comments are closed.