The 1st Annual Review Meeting of the DECIDO project took place on the 20th of May 2022 in Palermo, Sicily.
The meeting was organised as a hybrid event for the partners' convenience, offering them the choice to either attend physically (on-site) at the offices of Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - ENG (project coordinator) in Palermo or remotely (online). SUSTAINABLE CITY Network attended the meeting physically and the project partners had the opportunity for the first time after more than 12 months of remote collaboration, due to covid-19 restrictions, to meet face to face, thus strengthening the existing strong ties of cooperation and teamwork. During the meeting, the Project Officer (executive of the European Union) and two independent experts were briefed on the philosophy and methodology followed throughout the first year of the project and the results achieved so far. The DECIDO project is particularly challenging, since following its completion, a fully functional application will be delivered to the municipality of Halki and its citizens for a more effective management of sudden power outages.
The comments received from the experts and the Project Officer were particularly praising for the project consortium and SUSTAINABLE CITY Network’s excellent contribution was acknowledged, thereby bringing a happy ending to the first – and successful – year of the project. In addition, the project’s trailer was presented during this meeting. Comments are closed.